Back to Nature
Everything in nature has a cycle; our breaths, our bodies, our lives. As the leaves fall from the trees each year, we are reminded of the cyclical intelligence that governs our earthly lives. As women, our bodies are no exception. Each month, we are cosmically guided through our own energetic wave that ebbs and flows like a tender ocean breeze.
Learning to honour and come into celebration with this innate cyclical intelligence is vital, as bleeding bodies, to sacredly remember our own connection to all life. As cyclical beings, innate with our own inner Seasons, we can learn to harness the ever shifting energy inside by tapping into the cosmic flow of our menstrual cycle.
Understanding our bodies needs enables us not only to deepen our self acceptance, love and understanding, but also allows us to live a life that aligns with our greatest truth and highest potential - as women, as creators, as Mother Nature embodied, here on earth.
Feel Your Strength
By connecting to our menstrual cycle, we are empowered to go forth in life in a way that connects us to our own solid ground. Taking control of our cycle means taking back control of our lives!
Live Your Purpose
By tuning into the wisdom of our womb-space, we heighten our intuition and learn to follow the instincts that cosmically guide us toward a soul-aligned life of value, meaning and purpose.
Express Yourself
Understanding our own energy allows us to honour our natural inherent flow of creativity and self expression. Our projects and ideas can drink in the replenishment of our newly attuned rhythm.
Heart Based Living
By remaining connected to our Feminine energy, we learn how to live softly from the heart-space and no longer. from the head. In doing so, we can connect to others and all of life more beautifully.
When we are in tune with our menstrual cycle, the powerful process of Menstruation not only allows us to experience a deep sigh of relief as our nervous systems experience a great reset. Menstruation also allows us to experience altered states of consciousness that could otherwise be missed if not tuned into this sacred majesty.
By tapping into the vital forces that govern our lives on a monthly basis, we learn to experience Menstruation as Medicine. This once monthly gift can shine a light upon our deepest, darkest selves and then invites the utmost nourishing healing.
Supporting ourselves, and other sisters, during the menstruating years and beyond, is vital to understand our place in this world as fundamental, precious and absolutely entwined within a greater web of cosmic consciousness. The Magic of Menstruation is something that they didn't teach you in school, but it's never too late to discover the wild forces that live, daily, within you.
"The way I now view and work with my menstrual cycle has completely transformed. I wish that everybody can have a teacher like Martha as this information should be available to all."
"Martha really made me aware of how our cycle is connected to the cycles of nature and how magical that we are literally the same. It blows my mind how interconnected we are with nature."
Having undergone several trainings in Menstrual Cycle Health & Awareness, I now help to facilitate and guide your journey back to your own inner cosmology through dedicated womb-work.
Learning to tap into our inner navigation system allows us to lead a life that is in alignment with our truest nature as women, expanding into an embodiment of Feminine energy & a collaborative force of Nature herself.
Your womb is a direct source of intelligence and comes equipped with a goldmine of existential truth, power and creativity
Are you ready to discover the beauty of your belonging?
I offer Menstrual Healing sessions with Cacao,
Menstrual Cycle Awareness courses & workshops,
alongside Cacao Ceremonies, Meditation & Yoga Classes
dedicated to The Feminine.
Connecting with our own patterns allows our menstrual cycle to become an ally in creating a life that aligns with our deepest truth, highest purpose and greatest potential. Menstruality is the fundamental awareness practise which harnesses the cyclical intelligence of the menstrual cycle as a means to flow through our lives, as women, in a profound and meaningful way.
I offer support and guidance for menstruating woman on their own journey of self discovery and womb awakening through dedicated courses and workshops, alongside my work as a Cacao Ceremony Facilitator, Yoga Teacher & Healing Guide. Learn more about Menstruality here.
A Menstrual Alignment Cacao Session allows you to synchronise your life with the forces of nature within and around you. Tuning into your menstrual cycle while working with plant healer Cacao allows your heart open and your womb awaken, returning you to a state of self understanding, trust and belief.
Cacao will support your exploratory journey as you learn to embrace your transient energy as a woman with ease, grace and tender-loving care. Walk away from our beautiful, intimate session feeling aligned with your body, mind and soul as a newly attuned cyclical being. As you are lead to embrace each waxing and waning energy fluctuation with admiration and care, you begin to recognize the majesty, perfection and utter truth of who you really are. and utmost respect. This truly is a golden treat to know yourself and love yourself - all of yourself - like never before.
Learn more
The Magic of Menstruation
An Interactive Workshop
Join this interactive workshop to learn how to experience menstruation as a fundamental healing practice that deepens your connection to womanhood and all of nature. Each month, we are cosmically guided through an altered state of consciousness that has the potential to support our entire month - and lives - at large. Learn how to tap into the wisdom so innate within your body that you'll be excitedly waiting for this nourishing gift to repeat itself month after month.
Back to Nature
A 6-week Menstrual Education Course
Utilise the energy of your menstrual cycle to uncover the secret power of your womb-space. Harness it's magic to flow into deeper connection with yourself and the world around you. Journey through the cyclical intelligence of your body with like-minded soul sisters and finish with a sacred Cacao Ceremony to solidify and celebrate your experience on earth as a Woman - with a capital W.
"Martha's menstrual knowledge is incredible. I'm grateful to know, love and learn from her as an amazing friend. The things she has taught me are magical and mind blowing. The way I now view and work with my menstrual cycle has completely transformed. I understand much better how to work with hormones and emotions throughout the cycle.
No longer dreading the start of my bleed and instead understanding it as a time to gently shift inward has made a huge difference for the entire rest of my cycle. Every other part now is more conscious and enjoyable! Genuinely life-changing work and beautifully shared by her. Martha's heart is open and full, always ready to support our inner menstrual journeys and wombwork. I wish that everybody can have a teacher like Martha as this information should be available to all. So grateful to learn from this wise human being.
— Aifric Tree
"Martha really made me aware of how our cycle is connected to the cycles of nature and how magical that we are literally the same.
Martha got me so curious in exploring and observing my own inner seasonal shifts and actually honouring each phase with conscious awareness. It blows my mind, now, how interconnected we are with nature.
Thank you Martha"
— Hannah Keuhln