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Creative Writing + Poetry Workshops

Alongside working as a Creative for the holistic health industry, I have also trained as a Healing Guide, Yoga and Meditation Teacher, Shamanic Reiki Practitioner & Cacao Ceremony Facilitator which enables and inspires me to share creative writing with those who wish to transform their lives in a positive way.


Writing allows us to connect to our subconscious mind, eradicate mental blocks and express the truth of our heart and soul in a compassionate, conscious and creative way.

As my most profoundly therapeutic tool for transformation, I am impassioned to encourage others to harness the power of their own self connection - which creative writing, journaling and poetry exercises wholeheartedly facilitate as therapeutic outlets.


Creative Writing + Poetry workshops are a beautiful edition to healing events, festivals and private gatherings.


A Gathering of Minds, Hearts & Souls...

Creative Writing + Poetry workshops benefit anybody wishing to cultivate a deeper self connection, open-heartedness and personal expression. 

These workshops are an explorative, playful and safe way to observe our inner and outter worlds with more self-compassion, conscious awareness and an enlightened perspective not ordinarily available.

Learning to express ourselves through writing allows us to take life's adversity and transform it into beauty. 

Regardless of the difficulties life may bring, these workshops encourage participants to harness the alchemical power found within the challenges of life that can awaken our potential to grow as human beings. 

 Fuinneamh Festival '23
Creative Writing + Poetry Workshop
Lotus Tribe Area, Holistic Village

This space becomes opportunity to connect not only with our own soul's whispers, but with the hearts of our peers, colleagues and fellow participants.


Creative Writing & Poetry workshops are inspirational, safe and soul-centric spaces that encourage our heartfelt expression, our vulnerability and ultimately, bring us into a closer connection with who we really are.

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