Learning the dance
Between instruction
And intuition
Constantly testing the waters
As I gently skim my stones
Undoing and becoming
Again and again
This delicate union
Between mind and matter,
Body and soul.
We eventually learn
That life supplies
A plethora of chances
For us to find
Our own rhythm
But we need not wait for thunder,
Or even a droplet of rain
To discover the sweetness
Of comforting grass
Only found on rough terrain.
We are both the creator
And it's creations.
Each day finding our belonging
With what came before.
The spark. The flame.
The smoke. The ember.
One cannot thrive without the loss of another.
For we are both the children
Of life's cosmic womb
And our very own Mother.
We are the river that glistens
The moon that shines
The fish that swim in unison
Dancing left to right.
Just as the moon
Never truly sets,
Neither do we.
But rather,
We sit quietly,
We endure,
Attentively listening out
To the melodic ocean shore.
We embody both moon & sun
Rising and falling,
Through life's perpetual hiccup
That continues to borrow our breath.
Hide as we might,
We never truly set.
We learn to embrace
The subtle signs
And echoes
That gently guide us along.
Within the drought of desert,
We become the very stream
That drifts and pours
Fresh life into our own lungs.
Breathe softly and know
That you are good
As you are
Because you are of all things;
Sacred in Nature.